How To Install Windows 7,8,10 In Just 10 minutes

We do have to spend so much time when formatting PC. We are obliged because of windows installation speed. But using simple commands we can do this very quickly. This Time, I will explain How to Install windows 7 windows 8, and windows 10 In Just 10 minutes. This is a simple trick and some people know about it but many people still not aware of it.

As we all know that during formatting a Computer, after the file copying is completed, Windows require approximately 30-40 Minutes Time.

But, we can bypass this faking time. If you are wondering how this is possible then read those simple steps.

I have included snapshots that will help you (Though they were taken 2 years ago when I was using windows 7 but it’s quite same on newer versions ).

How to Install windows in 10 Minutes?


Once the copy part is over, the system will be rebooted as we all know in general Formatting Procedure.

Now After Reboot the below image will appear (In windows 7 screen will be shown as below image)


Now when this image appears, you have to press “Shift + F10 ” . This will open the command prompt. Now type taskmgr in it. This will open the Task manager.


After The task Manager Opens Go to Processes. And Find “Setup.exe” process and Right CLICK on It. and set the Priority to Highest.


Now Just Watch the Setup It will take around 9 minutes and 2 minutes for Tolerance (depends on System).
That’s It.You Can Use this method in Both Windows 8 And 10.
 So When you Format your PC Next Time It will Really Save Your TIME i.e around 20 to 25 minutes

How To Install Windows 7,8,10 In Just 10 minutes How To Install Windows 7,8,10 In Just 10 minutes Reviewed by Rajin Rabby on July 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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